In August of 2012, I took my first contract job with the United States Antarctic Program. Now having completed my third season, I feel a great connection with this spectacular place. It has been a privilege of an experience and one I will never regret.

Looking out towards Hut Point in March, 2014. Prints available.

McMurdo Station under the United States Antarctic Program as seen from Observation Hill. Prints available.

The C-17 used to carry USAP employees and cargo to and from Antarctica.

After a warm summer and a very severe storm, the Ross Ice Shelf has taken a hit and broken off into countless icebergs. Prints available.

Prints available.

The Hagglund that took my group out onto the sea ice for training. Prints available.

The yearly Icebreaker making its February rounds to break up McMurdo Sound in preparation for Vessel, 2013. Prints available.

Sunset over McMuro in April, 2014. Prints available.

Prints available.

Prints available.

Prints available.

The first penguin I ever saw in the wild. One very alone Adelie.